Essence Bible: Extraterrestrial

Simon Petrus

Essence Bible: Extraterrestrial

Kingdom of Heaven:
An immense Empire of suns and planets
(On page 207, from The Life of Jesus, 1779, Johan Jacob Hesz


The last time some of the disciples had been talking to Jesus, the following happens,

“Now Jesus was taken up before their eyes and a cloud withdrew Him from their faces. They stared after Him. While He was already out of sight, they watched the ascending cloud. Now the cloud was no longer visible. They were still staring into the sky. Now they saw two men in white clothing, who apparently had just arrived. These appealed to them kindly: “You Galilean men! We also saw Him when He rose to heaven (= entered the sky). But what else do you hope to see, standing there all the time with your eyes into the sky? You should now remember that Jesus, Who entered the sky, away from you, will one day return in the same manner as you have seen Him leave”.

What happened here must be as clear as glass: Jesus disappeared (raised himself by levitation or was pulled up) into a spaceship hidden by a cloud.

Then the cloud, including the spaceship contained therein, disappeared into the universe.

That was 1990 years ago.

Since then there have been NO visits from spaceships, which are mentioned in the Old Testament. It remains silent until the Day of Return.

Note that the two men spoke to "Galilean" men and not to "Jewish" men. Just as Jesus was not Jewish, these disciples are not Jewish either, but belong to the rest of the so-called "10 disappeared tribes of Israel". Some of whom still lived north of Jerusalem, Asia Minor, Greece, Rome.

The rest had either been killed by surrounding peoples, such as (As) Syrians.  Or had traveled to Western Europe via Troy (1105 BC) and via Arcadia (on the Peloponnese).

See the oldest chronicles in Britain. The arrival of Brutus the Trojan, who founded New Troy (later called Lud-On/London) on the banks of the Thames, and the arrival of a people, who floated down the river Rhine with rafts, entered the Low Lands, and settled on the Large Island (Insula Batavorum) between the Great Rivers.

In this, I will not further explain this history, which has caused the disappearance of the 10 lost tribes, called The People of Israel (the diaspora).

Throughout the Testament, until the beginning of the era Anno Domini, the year ‘zero’, continuously there is a coming and going of a huge spaceship (called "glory") with the God of Israel as Leader (Israel existed until its separation in North and South out of 12 tribes / families).

"Glory" has the meaning of something "impressive", in such a way that it makes speechless.

For example, it happened to Ezekiel many times. It starts right away in Ezekiel 1:

"And a storm wind came from the north, a heavy cloud of flickering fire, surrounded by a gleam; in there, in the middle of the fire was something that resembled shiny metal...”

“The sight and how the wheels were made, was like the radiance of turquoise, their look and construction was, as if there was a wheel in the middle of a wheel…. Their rims were awe-inspiring and all four had rims full of eyes all around…”

"Above their heads was something that looked like an expanse of awe-inspiring ice crystal spread over their heads."

"As is the sight of the rainbow, so was the sight of that enveloping shine. Thus was the appearance of the Glory of the Lord ”…

When I saw that, I fell on my face and I heard the voice of one speaking…. Etc.”

Imagine what Ezekiel observed….

Many places in Ezekiel tell of the Glory (space ship) of the Lord.of Israel.

For example, in

Ezekiel 10: 4. There it reads: "Then the Glory of the Lord rose... and the temple was filled with the cloud, and the court was full of the brightness of the Glory of the Lord..."

Now it may also be clear why the temple in Jerusalem was built according to certain measurements. Those measures had to do with the size of the Space ship and the possibility to land in His temple, His house, the Temple of Jerusalem. The holiest of the holiest was the private office of the Lord of Israel: no unauthorized access.  

For example, the Glory of the Lord also appears regularly with Moses. Moses even repeatedly asks for it: May I please see your Glory ?!” Eventually Yahweh (The Lord of Israel) agrees but warns Moses not to get too close (because of the radiation). However, Moses did, and he shined brightly when he returned from Mount Sinai to the people.

But not only throughout the Old Testament there is a coming and going of the spaceship (glory) of the Lord of Israel.

It should also be clear that the Lord's spaceship has hung above Bethlehem. The Father (from whom a clone had been taken and brought to Mary) of Jesus watched everything from above. A spotlight / beam was focused on the place of birth. This whole scene caused commotion (Bethlehem is close to Nazareth, about 6 kilometres away!).

We also see the spaceship of the father of Jesus above the mountain, where Jesus was talking to Moses and Elijah. Some of the disciples witnessed this encounter, and asked Jesus if they had to prepare a tent to sleep. Then a voice from the cloud was heard, saying: “This is my beloved Son; listen to Him!

Above the cross of Jesus also hung the spacecraft of the Father of Jesus, causing an eclipse of the sun. As the enormous spaceship descended with a rumbling sound, causing a local earthquake, Jesus commanded his Spirit into the hands of His Father and Died.

Below are some reports in the Testament of the Spacecraft (glory) of the God of Israel.

Ex 16:7

...And tomorrow morning you will see the Spaceship of the Lord...

Ex 16:10

...they turned their gaze to the desert, and look... the Glory of the Lord appeared in a cloud...

Ex 24:16

...And the Spaceship of the Lord was upon Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it for 6 days...

Ex 33:18 me your Spaceship ..

Num. 16:42

...look, the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the Spaceship of the Lord appeared...

Lev. 9:6

that the Spaceship of the Lord may appear to you…



Jesus repeatedly talks about coming back “in the Spaceship of His Father”, or even "that He received from His Father".

Mark 8:38

...when He comes in the Spaceship  of His Father...

Mark 10:37

...that we may sit in Your Spaceship ...

Matth. 16:27

...the Son of Man will come in the Spaceship  of His Father…

Luke 2:9

the Spaceship  of the Lord shone upon them…

Luke 9:32

...when they awoke they saw His Spaceship ...

Luke 24:26

shouldn't the Christ suffer this to enter into His Spaceship ?

(The Spirit of Jesus was first pulled out of the body on the cross, then that Spirit -the Spirit of Truth, the Helper- was sent back to Earth.

After that, as described above, Jesus finally ascended into the spaceship (situated in a cloud) and disappeared into the Sky (Heaven). We remember that day as Ascension Day.

Jesus is carrying out His task in the Kingdom of Heavens: Prepare a New Planet, build a New Jerusalem. When it is ready to return and collect the descendants from Adam and Eve...

For those capable of understanding this, it should be enough to take a look into the past.

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