by Jesus Christ, 1990 years ago.
(from: Johan Jacob Hesz, translated from High German, 1779 III Part.1 Piece. “The Life of Jesus”)
From page
70 to 79
Jesus tells what is going to happen in the period before His Return to the Earth. His Return from the Universe ...
Then on page 79 Jesus goes into more specific terms about a fixed period. This period only becomes visible when that period is going on. Jesus had already declared the destruction of the City Jerusalem and the Temple in the year 70. After that destruction (“there will not be a stone left on another, which will not be broken down”, Jesus replies to Peter), “a long period of waiting will follow, which will certainly not be a happy period for the People”.
Page 79,
second paragraph
Jesus continues: “Between these times of the tribulation and the arrival of the Messiah (between 70 and mid 2020?) there will be no happy age for the People. Suddenly the aforementioned world and natural phenomena, which precede the coming of the Messiah, break through. Sun, Moon and Stars lose their shine. Nature seems to be in disarray (climate change!).There is general astonishment, a terrible expectation of what will happen to the earth, at the sight of the rising seawater overflowing its banks (sea level rise!). Now the time is there, now the neglected Man (to whom no respect has been given) indicates his approach from heaven (universe / space) by means of certain marks.
In the meantime, as all peoples start to wail, He shows Himself, the neglected man (who has been treated as worthless, without respect). Surrounded by penetrating radiance, He appears back to Earth on the clouds in the sky. Immediately He will send His envoys who, with violent blaring (by the low-flying small spacecrafts) will find his well-known people from all four ends of the Earth together and will gather them as one Nation”.
Page 77,
In the period when the level of the ocean is rising and the world is very concerned about it, the following still takes place.
“Higher Hand still admits that there will be the greatest confusions; that one people commits the greatest possible hostilities against another. To increase misery, famine and infectious diseases will be added; here and there one will feel earthquakes; and many other terrible events and air pressure differences (storms, hurricanes, tornadoes) will terrify people. But do not infer from this that the Messiah is already being sent. No, this is just the beginning of the misery…”
Jesus points to the erection of the terrible destroyers from which was also spoken by the prophet Daniel. Jesus asks for the attention of the reader: "Who reads this, pay attention to it!"
Daniel explicitly states in his words (Daniel 12: 11-12) that "an abomination is erected that is destroying". The literal translation even , says that "devastating wing is being erected."
The description "wing" means that the destroyers can reach their goal through the air.
I can only explain that as: Missiles with nuclear charge. (terrible destroyers, who can reach their goal (Jerusalem / Israel) quickly through the air)
Jesus gave by pointing at Daniel a small opening in the future, when His Return is eminent.
The mortal Daniel is also told by the two immortals, because Daniel asked them what it all meant and how it all would end: “The events which will then take place remain sealed and closed. You go to sleep and get up again (about 40 times the spirit prevailing in Daniel still has to reincarnate…) until it is destined for you at the End of Days.
At the End of Days the Knowledge will increase, and those who are capable to understand, will give many insight. None of the godless people (originating from the Serpent) will be able to understand (How and Why).
It has everything to do with the advice to all by Jesus insisting with the words: “First seek the small opening that leads to the Kingdom of God and the righteousness that goes with it…”
The Empire in Space is, as the following page also shows: An Empire of suns and planets, from which Earth was visited and the first humans, with a spirit from the Kingdom of Heavens, were put on Earth.
The Justice that goes with it is: the difference in behavior between the origins of Adam and Eve and the origins of the Serpent, which Adam and Eve copied (approximately 9000 years ago)
If this is correct, and nuclear missiles are erected, then Jesus warns to leave Jerusalem and the region immediately, if you love your life…. Jesus adds to that (page 78) - “These are the days laid down for the implementation of the Divine judgment of punishment, in which no salvation takes place.… Then the People will suffer misery, as has never been heard from the beginning of the world. Throughout the Land, oppression generally and this People will be a special object of punishment...”
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